A successful meeting between the delegation of Guangzhou Tianhe and the German-Chinese Business Network (DCW) was held successfully in Cologne this July. Led by Mr. CHEN Jianrong, the Chief Executive of Government of Tianhe District, Guangzhou, the delegation conducted a visit to Cologne, with the intention to seek international cooperation opportunities.
During the meeting, DCW and Tianhe have agreed to cooperate, and DCW will host a special presentation of Guangzhou Tianhe District for German companies in Germany.
The German-Chinese Business Network (DCW) is an important organisation that has always been committed to promoting the development of economic and trade relations between Germany and China. Founded nearly 40 years ago, the DCW has more than 350 members and its advisory board includes executives from well-known German companies such as OBI and Deichmann. The organisation is the German member of the EU-China Business Association and the official German partner of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). As a bilateral economic promotion organisation in Germany, the organisation is willing to continue to practice its independence and public welfare, and make positive contributions to the deepening of bilateral trade and investment cooperation.